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Age Regression Resources And Info.

TLDR; Age regression is a coping mechanism either willingly used by psychiatric professionals or practiced alone, or a symptom of a wider mental illness. While having common aesthetics, goals, and names. The agere online community is made up of varying types of regression, causes, ect.

Age Regression online however usually encompasses a large group of people with very similar coping mechanisms. The definition usually is used to describe one experience, 'Reverting back to an immature or younger state.' Usually caused by trauma. However the Ageregression community mends multiple different psychological groups, Like Infantilism age regression, Age dreaming that is in part very similar to Inner child therapy (Though not conducted with help of a therapist, like actual Inner Child Therapy), Hypnotic regression (Only conducted to find out ones earlier trauma and come to peace with it, Or finally dissociative regression (As seen in people with multiple dissociative disorders, like Dissociative identity disorder Derealization or Depersonalization.
All of these labels, at least online come together under the age regression label.
Age regression is recognized psychiatrically. However non-trauma-based regression/Trauma caused age regression, is not yet fully understood. Therefore my articles (listed below) Mostly mention trauma-based regression. Though those without trauma still regress and experience regressive symptoms.
I hope to at least online make it clear these differences so that the wider public does take this as a serious issue, and not only that but something in no way related to any other sexual community, Ageregression is entirely personal and just a symptom of a variety of other issues.

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